6 Questions for Stellar Development Fund’s Denelle Dixon – Cointelegraph Magazine

6 câu hỏi dành cho Denelle Dixon của Quỹ Phát triển Stellar - Tạp chí Cointelegraph 3

We ask blockchain and cryptocurrency dumpers to tell us what they think of the industry… and we throw out a few random zingers to keep them on the ground!

This week our 6 questions are for Denelle Dixon, CEO and executive director of the Stellar Development Foundation.

Denelle Dixon is the CEO and executive director of the Stellar Development Foundation, a non-profit that uses blockchain to unlock the world’s economic potential by making money more flexible, markets more open, and everyone being treated. more empowered. Prior to joining Stellar, Denelle served as the chief executive officer of Mozilla, one of the most successful mission-oriented open source organizations. During her tenure at Mozilla, she led the organization’s business, revenue, and policy teams, including the ongoing fight for net neutrality and the global effort to ensure that everyone has control their personal data. She also pushed Mozilla to understand how to work with commercial organizations while staying true to its core mission of openness, innovation, and opportunity on the web. As a commercial attorney, Denelle previously served as general counsel and legal counsel in the technology and private equity sectors. Throughout her career, Denelle has been a strong advocate for network neutrality, encryption, government disclosure of security vulnerabilities, and greater user choice and control.

1 – What is one problem that you think blockchain has a chance to solve but haven’t tried yet?

There is no shortage of ideas about what blockchain can solve in terms of efficiency, transparency, data security, speed, and cost. The great thing is that blockchain’s versatility can be applied to most if not all industries from finance to healthcare, education to retail. And blockchain has been around long enough that it’s not just for crypto enthusiasts anymore. Companies, institutions, and organizations are now looking to make blockchain part of their technological system. Essentially, if there is a process that can be improved by technology, then blockchain has the potential to be part of that solution.

But blockchain needs to mature further before we see a full-blown solution happen. So maybe “trying” isn’t the right word here, but “fully performing.”

I would love to see blockchain solve cybersecurity. Staying at home during the pandemic has only increased people’s reliance on technology – through their communication methods, shopping habits, or content consumption/creation. But it is hard for users to choose between protecting their data and the incentives offered to them to provide access to their data – not to mention the constant risk of users being scammed. island or attacked. So while users need to take a more cautious approach to protecting their own data, blockchain can protect users at the product level through decentralization and built-in encryption methods. I am excited to see where blockchain projects focused on cybersecurity will end up in the coming years.

2 – What do you think is the biggest trend in blockchain over the next 12 months?

From a general point of view, as blockchain becomes more consumer-friendly, we will see more businesses and individuals start to adopt it. Interest in blockchain has only increased as technology and infrastructure become more powerful and useful, allowing people to solve problems in increasingly flexible ways.

This means that industries beyond fintech will start thinking about ways blockchain can benefit them. I applaud the diversification of industries as they bring more applications, products and services to blockchain, as it shows the growing public acceptance that blockchain can indeed be a part of the main trend.

Regarding the financial system, the conversation around stablecoins and digital currencies will continue to intensify. We are finally starting to see buying from traditional financial institutions that blockchain is a cost-effective, fast, and powerful solution. If these institutions start to issue their own stablecoins, as Bitbond and Bank von der Heydt have done, the general consumer will become much more comfortable with the idea of ​​digital currencies and blockchain in general.

3 – What is the most interesting place you have ever visited, and why?

This is a difficult question because “interesting” can imply a lot of emotions. If I had to choose one, I’d go with Kraków, Poland. While my visit there was brief, I could feel history – both beautiful and tragic – radiating from within the vast, culturally distinct and historically significant areas. by Krakow. The contemporary city boasts vibrant businesses with historic buildings and churches and cathedrals dotted around the landscape. It is a touching overlap for me, especially after visiting the Jewish Quarter – Kazimierz – which is a forever reminder of the tragedies caused during the Second World War combined with the flamboyance of the near future. more recently in the revival of the Jewish community there with art exhibitions celebrating the rebuilding . For me, coming to Kraków is a lesson in life, protecting art and culture.

4 – What is the future of social networking?

If anyone watched Social dilemma on Netflix, they may learn that the social network has strayed far from its original promise: providing a space where people can speak their minds and connect with each other.

Now we see that social networking has a lot of problems. Not only is the psychological and cultural impact of social media stronger than many of us anticipated, but existing policies and regulations are not sufficient to protect users.

As with most technology, social media by itself is neither good nor bad. It’s a tool, although very susceptible to algorithm changes and design choices in the hands of a few.

So we’ll see more video-driven features because that’s what works algorithmically best? Will we see the voices of some people rise to the top because they happen to say the thing that will attract the most eyeballs? Will we see companies increase their prominence on social media because their advertising budget is the main source of revenue for these networks? Yes to all of the above.

But now we know where the flaws of social networks exist, and that these networks need to be rethought, redesigned, and rebuilt with not just the input of a few but from all languages. to speak. That’s what it takes to take back what made social media special in the first place: having a platform where your voice can be heard and important.

5 – Top Five Crypto Twitter Feeds You Can’t Do Without, And Why?

Am I allowed to say @cointelegraph?

The other five are (in no particular order):

@CoinDesk: Their focus on data, research, and multimedia content helps me keep an eye on broader trends, use cases, and innovation happening in crypto.

@TheBlock__: How they stay up to date on all the major players in the crypto/blockchain space – concise, engaging and to the point.

@ForbesCrypto: They’re one of the biggest crypto pubs on Twitter, and for good reason: They get all the exclusivity!

@BlockchainAssn: The Blockchain Consortium has an important role in DC policymaking and regulation in blockchain and crypto. I appreciate their nuances in the discussions and legislation circulating in the space.

@CoinMarketCap: CoinMarketCap is a data lover’s dream. In addition to charts and graphs, [what] they are best known, CoinMarketCap also offers great content focusing on global policy, regulation and projects happening in crypto.

6 – Close your eyes and think of a happy place. What do you see?

I saw my family, my parents, my partner, our children, and our best friends sitting around the fire in our backyard playing charades. It was one of my happiest moments – especially when my team won.

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