$71 billion in crypto has flowed through “blockchain island nation” Malta because 2017 

The Financial Action Task Force, an agency which brings together 37 authorities, reported Malta’s effort to pull crypto company is “problematic”.

$71 billion in crypto has flowed through “blockchain island nation” Malta since 2017
$71 billion in crypto has flowed through “blockchain island nation” Malta because 2017

Malta’s approach to be a global hub for electronic assets still seems to be on track, although lax regulatory scrutiny has increased concerns about money laundering and crime. other finance.

About $71 billion, or 60 billion euros, values of cryptocurrencies have passed Malta because the miniature Mediterranean country first adopted its development strategy of getting a “blockchain island nation” in 2017. The Times of Malta newspaper reported. Although Malta has updated its crypto-focused regulations recently, financial watchdogs are still concerned about whether the nation’s anti-money laundering regime is powerful enough.

The Financial Action Task Force, or FATF, fulfilled in Paris in mid-June to discuss if Malta should be included in the list of nations which have failed to meet their obligations to prevent financial crime. . Specifically, the financial watchdog was worried about Malta’s try to ease crypto in 2017 and 2018 when the business was regulated. FATF officials also expressed concern about the nation’s law enforcement mechanism.

Several blockchain businesses that established operations in Malta in 2018, including cryptocurrency exchange Binance, have benefited greatly from Malta’s easing policy. Companies integrated in this country are permitted to operate without a permit for up to a year. An industry source told the Times of Malta the one-year grace period has contributed to “an explosion of high-risk transactions conducted by crypto exchanges in a non-licensed environment.”.”

In recent times, Crypto.com recently acquired Malta’s Class 3 Virtual Financial Assets License, paving the way for broader recognition of cryptocurrencies across the European Union.

In June 2020, Malta enlarged its blockchain ambitions, turning towards digital assets more comprehensively as a means to drive adoption and company growth.

Kearon Bruno, president of Digital Economy Think Tank, tasked with developing Malta’s economic portfolio,” said:

“We are no longer just a blockchain island nation but on our way towards a digital nation because we believe more in an overall vision that encompasses all aspects and components of technology.”.


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