Chinese Internet giants are “sweeping” keywords related to Binance, Huobi and OKEx

Baidu and Weibo, the two largest internet service giants in China, appear to be making an effort to censor the keywords of the world’s top three crypto exchanges in light of the ongoing crypto crackdown. taking place in this country.

Searching for the Chinese or English names of Huobi, Binance, and OKEx on both the desktop and mobile versions of the search giant Baidu, dubbed “Chinese Google”, is currently not showing up. Search Results. This is the first case of Baidu censoring search results based on keywords related to the crypto space.

However, there are some cases where Baidu has yet to ban search results. For example, keyword phrases like “download Huobi app” instead of just “Huobi” in Chinese, still generate millions of results on Baidu.

Meanwhile, Twitter-like social networking platform Weibo is also taking a similar coordinated measure. Any keyword or combination of keywords, containing the English or Chinese names of Huobi, OKEx and Binance, does not produce any search results on Weibo. But while the search results no longer appear, the posts have not been deleted and are still live viewable.

Weibo’s censorship comes days after the platform “purged” crypto-related accounts. Colin Wu, a source familiar with China market updates, called it “the most extreme sweep in history”.

It is unclear exactly when the two internet giants hit the censorship button but Chinese users started noticing the change on the afternoon of June 9. Such measures were introduced not long after the Vice Premier of China. China requires “correction” of Bitcoin mining and trading activities.


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