Is it easy to make money with IEO?
In our daily life, all of us are members who go to work and earn money with our labor and wisdom. However, not everyone’s way of making money is the same, some people do this job and some do that. Some of you asked us that “is it easy to make money with io?”. To answer this question we invite you to read the following article.
About IEO that we want you to know.
IEO is an acronym for Initial Exchange Ofering. This is a smart form of fundraising. Through the form of token sale on the Crypto exchange. When we learn about ico, we will see buying and selling tokens directly from the project, but in IEO, we trade on the exchange through another middleman.
Theoretically, the token offered for sale under the IEO method on exchange A may or may not be listed on exchange a after the sale is complete. However, in most of the cases that we observe, the ieo sold on any exchange will be listed on that floor by the investor.

Is it easy to make money with io? Come find out with me.
To make money on investment work on the exchange and make a profit, we think it is difficult, but when we join, it is quite familiar and depends on our thinking. . Here we will help you learn which exchange to invest in to earn profits for yourself.
The first thing before you go into the IEO investment strategy, let’s find out how many exchanges are doing IEO transactions today and whether Binace Launchpad is the first to apply IEO? As the statistics show us, IEO is not a recent movement but a few years ago. Started by Mr. Binance with the launch of Binace Launchpad.
However, when he made the success of two major IEO projects, the movement emerged with much greater enthusiasm. According to the trend line of Binance, in 2018 there were quite a few projects that were funded in the form of IEOs at exchanges like Tokenman, Coinsuper or coinbene, but all of them did not bring him the same reputation. So why is he the only one who can do such a thing? The main reason is that he has high liquidity and has a top reputable brand with the numbers of coins that are listed on binance often pumped.
The rest of the groups have also used the IEO exchange from the end of 2018 until now. When surveying, we see the common point of the exchanges as follows: most of the tokens are only partially sold when they are listed on the exchange and the rest are still sold through ico as usual. And typically the ANKR project. In addition, these exchanges rarely use the exchange’s coin/token to buy but use BTC, ETH, and USDT. This use is due to the fact that the exchange does not have a native token or because the network community uses it less, so the percentage of exchange token holders is also quite small. In particular, there is a single exchange that only sells tokenman only for Koreans. In general, after the success of Mr. Binance Launchpad, a series of others have learned and built their own IEOs.

We hope our article helps you a lot. Wishing you a lot of luck and success with your investments.
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